(for English, scroll a bit further down)

Well, forgive this 25-year-old guy but I need to say that it
was a kind of a turn off for me to know
that this was going to be a tribute to the ‘70s and honestly I am more into
easier sciencef-fiction with a story that’s gripping enough and easier to
follow (mind you, genre-wise, BtBR is not hard science fiction but it is ‘hard
to watch’ till the end) still I wanted to give a shot for this film, I thought
I’d be satisfied watching pure sci-fi after lots and lots of Hollywood
‘sci-fi/action’ crap. The film is basically about an ‘escape from the
imprisonment’ which reminds me of THX 1138. The colors, the director’s dragging
‘give me your full attention until your head cracks or else get the fuck out’
stlye and the Daft Punk-ish soundtrack do help create a Kubrickian (or
Kubrick-esque?) retro atmosphere but all this beauty becomes incredibly
exhausting before long because as I mentioned above, the film demands your full
commitment. Anyway, despite the negativity of this review, I’d like to mention
that this is the very first directing experience of Panos Cosmatos, who I
believe should keep making sci-fi films. We need more science fiction!
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