

Sevgili arkadaşlarım Agata Blaszkowska ve Agata Wielgolaska'nın mor koltuk projesi. İstanbul'un herhangi bir yerinde; örneğin Cihangir'de meydanın ortasında, Tarlabaşında bir kaldırımda veya Moda'da kayalıkların üstünde bu mor koltuğu, ellerinde fotoğraf makineleriyle de bu güzel kadınları görürseniz şaşırmayın. Gidip bir merhaba diyin, İstanbul hakkında muhabbet edin. Hem belki fotonuz ve söyledikleriniz şu aşağıda linkini verdiğim bloglarında yer alır:


My dearest Blaszkowska and Wielgolaska's very purple, very "in-the-heart-of-the-city" project. If by any chance you see this purple sofa somewhere unexpected in Istanbul, (the sofa has been to Cihangir, Tarlabaşı and Moda so far) do not just stand there dumbfounded. Just go and sit on their purple sofa -which is very comfortable by the way-, let them let you talk about this city for a while, whether you're an amazed tourist or an already bored Istanbuller! Here is how they describe what they do:

"We place our sofa in different areas and talk to different people about their perception of the city. The sofa is easy to carry, so we can take it with us for a tour of Istanbul. Placed somewhere unexpected it makes people curious, some of them approach us and ask about the project. Most of them have to be encouraged..."

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